woensdag 29 april 2009

Interview with Cedric Daep, Provicial Disaster Coordinator

What is the influence of the PDCC on regional planning? 

We get risk info from different sources, indicate risk zones, make policies to avoid investment in those zones, make maps about this, plan investments.

Participation of smaller scales (cities, communities)is necessary...

What are the different scenario’s?

We are familiar with the threats of the volcano. There are flood prone area’s along the coast and Yawa river... Many squatters reside here. Then there is an earthquake problem with the squatters. They have built on swamplands, without approved constructions and poor foundations.

Best would be to regulate land elevation constructions within building code. Like Pacific Mall did (after consultation with the PDCC), no damage.

What do you think about the discovered expansion of the city (north and west) as opposed to the south?

The expansion towards the north is concerning. Regional expansion is planned to the south - west of Daraga, Camalig, etc. With a new international airport, perpendicular roads (national government funding) and other incentives. 10-20 year projections. This will bring livelihoods to the south of Legazpi (where most of the resettlement area’s are now).

Legazpi can not grow in that direction, (the west) what will happen?

Legazpi might shrink... If the mayor of Daraga is an aggressive developer, Daraga will make Legazpi look small.

So what should Legazpi do?

Slow down new investments, especially in risk area’s. Someone should overlay a risk map over the city. (At this point we showed him our work on that. ed.)Relocate the Regional Offices to safer locations, invest in protective civil works, like dykes along the river. This last point is the main recommendation.

What and how is the cooperation with NGO’s? 

We work with the bigger NGO’s (IFRC, World Vision, Committee on Migration, Agencia Espanyola, a Japanese governmental agency). We are looking for long term commitments, UNDP is planning resettlements in Legazpi now. We provide them with information and they provide us with info and help.

What is your relation to resettlement area’s?

We provide certifications, after the city has pointed out locations. These certifications are a obligation. The cities plan the area’s according to the land available within the city limits. Landownership can be quite a struggle...After that we help the NGO’s with aiding in the form of shelter. I have a strategy for resettlement... In stead of providing shelter, we should buy up the lots and land in risk area’s and let people decide where to move with that money. That way they can look for their own livelihoods. Obviously money is a problem here...

Previously Legazpi has indicated economic growth zones to the South, near Banquirohan resettlement site, but these never took of. It seems that development to the south is destined to fail?

First we need to invest in roads, water, electricity. These are the main catalysts for development, as you can see on the maps. We are trying to catch up with these issues, but here in the Philippines development is slow and we have other priorities. Once basic infra is available, then can we provide incentives and will investors move to these area’s.     

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